classes are scheduled at this time. 
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor
of Education
- Graduate Diploma
of Music
- Diploma of Clinical
- Graduate Diploma of
- Advanced Neuro
Linguistic Programming Certificate
- Thought
Field Therapy Training, Certificates 1 and 2
- Eye
Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Certificate
- Reiki
and Seichim Master Teacher
- Sekhem,
Advanced Certificate
- Spiritual
Healing Certificate
- Refined
Attunement, Certificates 1 and 2
- Dowsing
Society of Victoria, Advanced Certificate
- Bach
Flower Remedies Certificate
- Aura
Soma Level 1
- Educational Kinesiology
- The
Melchizedek Method, Levels 1 to 4
- The
Orion Technique/DNA 1 and 2: Theta Healing
- Advanced
Theta Command Certificate
- The
Serenity Vibration Healing® Technique

- Orion Technique/DNA 1 and 2 : Theta
- Theta Command and Quantum
Level Reprogramming
- The Serenity
Vibration Healing Technique: Level 2
- Melchizedek
Method Healing
- Reiki/Seichim/Sekhem
- Spiritual
Healing/Refined Attunement
- Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy/Counselling
- Thought
Field Therapy/Emotional Freedom Technique
- Dowsing/Muscle-testing
- Bach
Flower Remedies

- Theta Command and Quantum Level Reprogramming
- The
Serenity Vibration Healing® Technique: Level 2
- The
Melchizedek Method, Levels 1 to 4
- Reiki:
Level 1 to Master

- Personal growth groups for women
- Meditation
- Spiritual growth classes

mission this lifetime is to be and teach Oneness and Its Peace, Love and Light.
Mardi has a great love of all Nature, loves gazing at its beauty and being in
a garden and is passionate about healing planet Earth. She reads widely, plays
with journalling and writing, and likes philosophising and conversing, language
and communication. Caring and sharing are important to her, also expanding horizons,
both her own and others'. She loves music, especially classical piano and string
works, loves dance of all kinds and has recently begun painting mandalas. 
This unique healing modality was given to Vianna Stibal, a medical intuitive in
Idaho Falls, USA. The practitioner works in a Theta state, connecting with the
Creative Source of God, to pull, change and replace programs and beliefs on four
levels: core beliefs, genetic programs, history and past life programs, and soul
beliefs, programs and trauma. As emotions and illness are interlinked, changing
emotions heals and changes people, allowing them to find and create their True
Self. This technique activates all 12 strands of DNA. It is wonderful to know
that altering our genes can cure, at times instantly, diseases once thought to
be untreatable.
This set of advanced healing procedures was gifted by God to Jill Marie (Boise,
Idaho, USA). The commands are activated through a remote viewing process while
in the Theta brain wave state. It is possible to reprogram millions upon millions
of non-serving belief systems, programs and barriers that are blocking you from
Mastery releasing you to raise your individual Light vibration and progress upon
your path for the attainment ofgreater Light. The commands can heal infections
of all kinds, from root canals to mercury fillings, from pesticides to pharmaceutical
drugs, from parasites to Candida. The practitioner is an instrument of God, for
it is God who does the healing.
This technique brought forth through Jill Marie assists us in awakening to our
destiny. Serenity Vibration Healing® is a divine vehicle that may be utilised
to release brokenness, which is a block to the path of one's Mastery. Serenity
Healing is one of the Master Keys to Ascension and a tool for the release of the
burdens of lifetimes and also any genetic blocks to the plan each of us made with
God for this time on Earth. Serenity's aim is to help us return to the Oneness.
At all times it is God Who directs the Processes, Protocols, Keys and guidance
utilised in this blessed Technique. THE
These Light Body Activation teachings come
from Atlantean times and were gifted to Earth in 1997 by the Ascended Master Thoth
through Alton Kamadon of Sydney, Australia. The activation of the Hologram of
Love Merkabah rotating light-field awakens your spherical consciousness and raises
the quotient of Light vibration within the human atomic cell structure, enhancing
the healing capabilities of the practitioner a hundredfold. Love energy then flows
freely between Source, yourself and Earth, manifesting a Love healing energy that
heals and rejuvenates the whole being. Each subsequent level of the Melchizedek
Method is both an initiation and an encodement to enter higher levels of Mastery
and spiritual evolution. Mardi is a Kamadon Master.
Life force energy flows through
all living things. Reiki is a deceptively simple 'hands on' technique which allows
us to tap into this life energy. A natural and safe method of spiritual healing,
Reiki is effective in treating the whole person, rebalancing the body on all levels.
Its many beneficial effects range from deep relaxation and feelings of peace and
well-being to profound physical healings.
Sekhem is an
ancient system of healing wisdom from the temples of early Egypt. It is a channelled
energy from the limitless sea of Living Light Energy: it is Unconditional Love.
Sekhem addresses the subtler aspects of cause, working in a cleansing, balancing
manner on all levels simultaneously and releasing even deeply-held thought forms
in the etheric body so that disease and blockages are healed or even do not eventuate.
Though much of the time the practitioner works hands-off the body, in the etheric,
the client experiences and feels the energy. Like Reiki, Sekhem can be done for
the client as an absent healing.
All healing, indeed all life force comes from God. When we tune into and allow
this healing power to flow unhindered from Spirit to the spirit-beings we are,
this Intelligence can work wonders and heal us at all levels of our being. Spirit
guides, Ascended Masters or angels may guide or assist the practitioner in various
ways or Mardi herself may intuitively move, choose or spontaneously carry out
a particular procedure. Again, it is God Who does the healing.
The method
known as Refined Attunement was given by God to Lorri Power of Lennox Head, N.S.W.
Muscle-testing is used to 'call' the process, principle, branch of knowledge,
meridian or chakra which needs adjustment and colour is fed into the various subtle
bodies, along with any needed supplements and stress releases. Attunement offers
a means of realigning organs and glands, revitalising the cells and lightening
our being on all levels in order to restore harmony, balance and health.
& Spiritual)
Negative and inappropriate beliefs lose their
influence when we become aware of them and replace them with positives which work
in our favour. We then change our way of thinking and become more positive in
everyday life. Our self-esteem is enhanced and our relationships start to work.
A deeper level of self-understanding and long-term change on the inner level results
is the aim of this work. Common challenges which are resolved by Hypnotherapy
include anxiety, communication and relationship difficulties, conflict and insecurity,
depression and stress management. All work is confidential and non-judgemental
and is suitable for all ages. Mardi, a secondary teacher for many years, is particularly
interested in counselling teenagers.
This treatment for psychological disturbances provides a code which literally
taps into the perturbation in the individual's thought field, the fundamental
cause of the negative emotion, and eliminates that encodement which has been triggering
the negative emotion. Treatments are rapid, easy and highly successful in working
with phobias, trauma, anger, guilt, grief, addiction, pain and much more. Children
love this modality!
When a trauma occurs, it seems to get locked in the nervous system with the original
picture, sounds, thought and feelings. The eye-movements of E.M.D.R. 'unlock'
the nervous system and allow the brain to process the experience. It is your own
brain that is doing the healing and, as with hypnotherapy, you are the one in
control. BACH
The thirty-eight flower essences discovered
by Dr Edward Bach help you to improve both your health and your emotional life.
Remedies are selected specifically for you and your needs and a course of drops
is made up. The essences are completely safe with no side-effects whatsoever.
They gently stabilise negative emotions, improve attitudes and lift your sense
of well-being. Many families use the formula known as Rescue Remedy as it is calming
and balancing in all kinds of stressful situations.
Mardi also uses
a wide variety of other modalities and skills in assisting people to balance and
heal their body and being. Relaxation, meditation and affirmations bring the inner
peace so helpful to healing whereas creative visualisation uses the power of mental
imagery to help heal your body. Mardi can help you work with your Inner Child
to uncover early attitudes and beliefs, heal the wounds from the past and move
on. At times, she also utilises a form of voice dialogue to help you tap into
negative situations and change them. Mardi can dowse energy in people or the environment
or she may use colour or sound to assist the rebalancing of chakras, the energy
centres of the body.
She is passionately committed to assisting people with
their healing and their journey back Home. |